Talk is cheap, so I'll keep this brief.
I released my last EP just as I was graduating college and preparing to move back home. It's been a difficult transition for me. There were many times when I wanted to post to this blog, and very nearly did. But I'm good at talking myself out of things. Hopefully, this transitional period is over and I can get a good flow of ideas going once again.
The songs for the Summertime EP are almost ready to be recorded. The ideas are mostly there. I'm hoping to release it by the third week of August.
When I was taking music lessons last spring and showed the songs for the Springtime EP to my teacher, I was told that the next step after releasing the EP is not to start work on another EP, it's to begin promoting myself and my music. I haven't done much in the way of promotion thus far. So why am I starting a new EP? The main reason is that one of my goals I'm working towards is being able to play live. The first thing I need in order for that to happen is songs to play, and five songs is not enough to fill out a set list. While many bands might create an album in order to fulfill that goal, I've decided grouping the songs into singles and smaller sets better fits my working style and the overall concept for my music.
The only judgment I have to rely on is my own, I must do what I think will best service my career. What this means for you: MORE MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
_Gaius J.